On September 20. 2018, during the celebration of the International day of Peace, and as part of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War in the Peace Memorial Cerje in the municipality of Miren-Kostanjevica (SLO), was opened the exhibition entitled "Kras 1915-1917". It presents a selection of photographs from legacy of Andreas Maraschky, a member of 43rd Infantry regiment of Austro-Hungarian Army, who during the First World War fight on the Isonzo Front. At the opening, in addition to the mayor of municipality Miren-Kostanjevica Mauricij Humar and the manager of the Tourism Miren-Kras Ariana B. Suhadolnik spoke also Maraschky great-grandson Andrei B. and the president of Association Društvo soška fronta (Isonzo Front) David Erik Pipan who presented the exhibition and the accompanying catalog. In the days after the opening, the exhibition was also visited by the Prime Minister of Republic of Slovenia, Marjan Šarec accompanied by other distinguished guests. The exhibition in the Memorial, from where is a fantastic view of most of places where photographs were created, will be opened until mid-January 2019.
Peace Memorial Cerje
Lokvica 35, 5291 Miren, Slovenia
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